
20 Market Research Questions you should ask in your Customer Survey?

20 Market Research Questions you should ask in your Customer Survey? What are Market Research Questions? Market research questions is a questionnaire that is answered by customers or potential consumers, to understand their perception and opinion on a given subject, typically about a product or service feasibility, understanding consumer needs and interests, and pricing concepts. For example A  customer survey  on market research of an existing product line that focuses on the use of specific features in a product line. Based on the feedback received from this survey, a business can now decide which features to invest and enhance/improve, and which features relatively defocus/discontinue. This research, therefore, enables a business to efficiently allocate resources based on real, data-oriented insights from their own customers. A similar set of market research questions can also be sent to potential consumers of a product, to understand market absorption capability....


SIX SMART STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE NETWORKING SUCCESS. 👉 THE FIRST STRATEGY ☑️ BE SMART ABOUT THE WAY YOU NETWORK WITH PEOPLE WITH INSIDE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT UNANNOUNCED OPENINGS. First, make networking a habit, include it into your daily habit Second, Remember networking has a rule...Give before you get. Networking is mostly centered on building relationships not getting favours Finally, make it easy for people to know you are finding a job and possibly assist. Tell them about the kinds of positions you’re looking for and the employers or fields that interest you.. 👉 THE SECOND STRATEGY ☑️ JOIN PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING FORUMS ONLINE Your best resources for learning about employers who are likely to hire are gotten from fellow job seekers. Most are eager to share their knowledge, knowing that others in the same boat will share in return. Join groups on Telegram, WhatsApp and LinkedIn etc. 👉 THE THIRD STRATEGY ☑️ CONTACT EMPLOYERS DIRECTLY VIA COLD CALLS, COLD MAILS. You don't have to...